I used to wonder, like the prophet Jeremiah, why my life was filled with so much pain. Living with an alcoholic father, the loss of both of my parents before age 21, being an unwed mother and then marrying an abuser and running for my life to live in a shelter with three young children. I became an alcoholic and a drug addict during that marriage which finally ended in divorce. I found the Lord and began to make major changes in my life, however, I still continued to suffer as I lived through visiting my son in federal prison for close to 15 years and then more recently walked with my beloved sister through a terminal cancer diagnosis the loss of our home in a devastating house fire and once again walking with my brother who was diagnosed with a glioblastoma grade 4.
Even though, it was death of my sister that catapulted me to begin to walk in calling, it was through tremendous pain that I began to understand that those things that came into my life were necessary experiences, sent to teach me valuable lessons, lessons that taught me the power of the "COME BACK".
The assignment of the enemy over our lives is to steal, kill and destroy but, the mission of the Lord and the purpose of His entrance into our life is for us to live and live a life of abundance.
The spirit of the Lord is saying to you today "Don't die. Don't die in the struggle, don't die in the hurt, the rejection, the abuse, the addiction and the grief". Let me REACTIVE your life and give you that abundant life that was stolen from you and reactive those dreams that you thought were destroyed".
Survival is only the beginning. After you have survived the pain and everything in your life that was meant to kill you, it is time to reactive your life so that you can LIVE and be more impactful because of the pain.
Pastor Cheryl Jones-Ross

What To Expect
This interactive workshop/impartation session is designed to help you to discover how to reactivate your life after the pain.
This session should not take the place of sitting with a professional counselor or strategist to help you to work through grief or post traumatic stress disorders.
This is a spiritually based workshop to help you to identify the things in your life that have caused you the most pain, discover why those things had such an impact on your life and deal with the affects of those situations. And finally learn how to be free so that you can move forward with power, purpose and zeal.
Who should attend?
Anyone who has felt complacent in their life and needs to discover why they can't move forward with fire and with zeal should plan to attend.
If you:
Want the Fire of God to be released in your life
Are struggling to be free from your past, hurts, disappointments and failures
Want to escape the bonds of un-forgiveness, rejection, etc.
Just want a closer relationship with God
Are ready to walk into their next level but need a confirmation
This workshop is for you!
If you haven’t been to one of our workshops before, you will find that they are rich in teaching, strong in self-examination and powerful enough to release you from the bondages of your past. Once the workshop is completed and you have put the work and effort in that is necessary for you to work through all of the hindrances in your life, you will be able to move forward with zeal and fire.
Come prepared to open up, be empathetic and supportive to others and allow the Lord to do the work in you that have you have come to receive.